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Autistic and Learning Disabled people asked to help improve Test and Trace

NHS Test and Trace to conduct research into the experience and accessibility of getting a test for coronavirus for Autistic and / or Learning Disabled people. 

Help Test and Trace improve the COVID-19 testing experience for Autistic and Learning Disabled people

Disability Rights UK and the Lived Experience Alliance are supporting NHS Test and Trace to conduct research into the experience and accessibility of getting a test for coronavirus (COVID-19) for Autistic and / or Learning Disabled people. 

The research will involve speaking to researchers over the phone or by video call for no more than one hour. Alternatively, you can provide written feedback.

You can express interest in taking part in the research if you are Autistic and / or you have a Learning Disability. They’d like to hear your feedback whether or not you have experience using the COVID-19 testing service. 

If you support someone who is Autistic and / or has a Learning Disability and is unable to communicate directly, you may also register your interest; either to help an individual to participate in the research or to speak to researchers on their behalf. 

To register your interest, fill in this form:  or you can contact or call the DR UK inquiries line on 0330 995 0400 and we can arrange to register your interest over the phone.