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Devon and Somerset Fire Service- Consultation on response to automatic fire alarms

Published 27th January 2025, in News

Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service are running a consultation on how they will respond to automatic fire alarms in future.

The consultation sets out what the current situation is, the options there are for change and how you can have your say.

The consultation will be running until 9th April 2025.

Go to the Devon and Somerset Fire Service Consultation page

To find more consultations or research projects which you may participate in, visit our Devon Disability Voice (DDV) page.

Devon Disability Voice (DDV) is a group of volunteer members who meet regularly to raise awareness, share information, and influence change on issues affecting disabled people.

Go to our Devon Disability Voice page

Text reads: Tell us how we should respond to automatic fire alarms. We want your views on how we respond to automatic fire alarms. Read about our proposed survey by visiting or scanning this code. The consultation closes at midday on Wednesday 9 April 2025. Need information in a different format? Please call us on 01392 261287 or email Image of firetruck, image of window, image of Fire station. QR code included. Devon and Somerset and Right Response  logos are included.