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Waiting Well

Waiting Well is an NHS funded project connecting patients to services in the community. Working together with the NHS to support people on elective care waiting lists.

The Living Options Devon Waiting Well service provides bespoke signposting to information and services that can help people have a better quality of life whilst waiting for an NHS appointment or treatment.

This is not a self-referral service. Patients eligible for this service will be referred by their own medical practice or hospital.

Areas covered include:

  • Managing pain (not medicines)
  • Living more independently e.g. access to mobility aids, communication aids and/or sight loss support
  • Signposting to mental health and wellbeing support
  • Identifying local community support
  • Talking to people in the same position or meeting as part of a group
  • Getting fit for treatment e.g. fitness, reducing weight, smoking and/or alcohol
  • Linking to transport options
  • Signposting for financial support and benefits
  • Discussing options for admission and discharge from hospital.

In the first two years of providing this service approximately 3,000 referrals have been managed by Living Options Devon.