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Travelling with Confidence

Free training to empower people with disabilities to confidently use public transport. Working alongside local transport providers to reduce barriers to public transport.

A smiling person stands on a bus holding to a hand rail

Travelling with Confidence is a Devon-wide project being co-delivered by Living Options Devon and Devon Communities Together.

It includes:

  • Free training for people with disabilities to gain confidence using public transport
  • Delivering disability awareness training to local partner organisations and travel providers
  • Raising awareness of the barriers faced by people with disabilities in order to create change

Travelling with Confidence Training

This is a programme of free travel training for adults and young people with disabilities. Designed to build long-term confidence when using public transport.

The training is being co-produced with people with lived-experience and includes how to:

  • Plan a journey to meet personal needs
  • Build confidence to communicate positively when travelling
  • Manage fears and worries

It includes:

  • Group indoor sessions to build skills and knowledge
  • Taking a bus / train journey in a group
  • Group indoor sessions to build on training and next steps

For Organisations

We can provide the training program for your service users at your own locations or provide you with the training to deliver this yourselves. Please get in touch to explore options further.

The Travelling with Confidence project aims to support people living in Devon and is funded by the Motability Foundation.

Motability Foundation logo with the words funded by