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Options for Living Project

Our new Home from Hospital service supports people coming home after a stay in hospital.

Home from Hospital is our free, confidential telephone support and advice helpline, for those with a disability and/or long-term health condition(s) who are leaving hospital to recuperate at home. 

If you are admitted to hospital for surgery or treatment, whether planned or unplanned, you may be worried about how you will cope when you come home.  

How we can help 

Our friendly Home from Hospital team can help you plan ahead before you go into hospital or while you are recovering on a hospital ward, so your transfer home goes smoothly and you are well supported while you recuperate at home.  

Once you are home your advisor can make check-in calls and help you to deal with short-term needs and concerns.  We also provide emotional support and talk about other services and community groups that can help you in the longer term.   

We do not provide home care or clinical advice and we cannot visit your home to provide practical help, but we can help you to organise these things.  

Home from Hospital is a telephone service. We can ring you or use a video chat service (webcam) if you would prefer to talk to us that way.   

Initially this service is limited to people living in the northern Devon and the Exeter and East Devon areas served by NDDH and RD&E Hospitals, but we intend to widen the reach of Home from Hospital across the rest of Devon in the future. Home from Hospital provides time-limited support (up to a maximum of 4 hours) but we are flexible in how our support is delivered.  

Our friendly team is ready to listen to you and help you to find support and services local to you.    

How to contact the Home from Hospital service 

You can contact Home from Hospital directly or be referred by someone else (Nurse, therapist, doctor, trusted relative or friend) using our referral form. If you are not sure whether this service is for you, please make your referral and we will help where we can.  

We aim to provide timely support, but do not operate 24/7 and cannot guarantee an immediate response.

Please download and complete the Referral Form (MS Word document) then send it to  

Download the Referral Form

Home from Hospital Service leaflet 

Home from Hospital leaflet cover image

Clinical and community workers who wish to make a referral to our Home from Hospital service click here for information. 

Home from Hospital Patient Information leaflet 

Home from Hospital leaflet cover image

Hospital discharge survey  

Have you been admitted to hospital for treatment (as an inpatient) in the last five years?   

Do you have a disability or long-term condition? Or do you consider yourself to be autistic or neurodivergent? We would like Deaf people (who use BSL) to help us too.  

We want to hear how you felt when you came home after your hospital stay, what help you needed at home and what help you were given. Your feedback will show us what problems people face and allow us to build on what already works well to develop a service that will provide the right support at the right time.  

Please follow this link and complete our short online survey. You can add your contact details if you would like to discuss your answers with us or you can choose to remain anonymous . 

Complete our survey

The information you provide will be kept confidential and will be analysed anonymously. All responses will be reported in a summarised format and no uniquely identifiable information about survey respondents will be shared at any time.  

Thank you for your help. 

Supported by NHS Charities Together