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Disabled People Against Cuts’

How you can get involved in Disabled People Against Cuts’ Day of Action on Monday 1 March.

The government is expected to extend the £20 uplift to Universal Credit for another six months in this week’s Budget (3 March).

People on Universal Credit, including two million new claimants as a result of the economic impacts of Coronavirus, were given an extra £20 per week to live on at the start of the pandemic. However, people who had not transferred over to Universal Credit, and stayed on ‘legacy’ benefits, many out of fear that they will be worse off if they switch, have not received the £20 uplift.

We know how serious the impacts of this have been for Disabled people living on legacy benefits, as lockdown living and shielding costs have increased.

Out of work benefits in the UK are well below the amount needed for a decent standard of living. All benefits need to be significantly increased, not cut.

How you can get involved: Disabled People Against Cuts’ Day of Action is on 1 March.

On the day, you can:

  • Take and share selfies using the hashtags #20More4All
  • Put up and share posters and stickers or email and ask them to post you some.
  • Use a template letter to email your MP to tell them why it is important that the uplift is extended to legacy benefits.
  • (If you email your MP, please copy in so that the letter can be forwarded to both the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the Exchequer. So as many letters and expressions of concern on this issue as possible before the 3 March Budget.)
  • Disabled people on legacy benefits who haven’t had the £20 uplift and are struggling to manage financially and are willing to speak to the media can email
  • You can have your say anonymously about your experiences and what the uplift means to you by filling in this quick and easy survey.

You can sign and share these petitions: