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Petition Opportunity: Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans for Disabled People

Published 17th June 2022, in Blog, News, News & Updates

Disability Rights UK is calling on the Government to make Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans for disabled people a legal obligation on building managers.

Disability Rights UK has been working with disability action group Clad DAG and Grenfell United to ensure the Government enforces a legal obligation on building owners and managers.

Disabled man strapped into a rescue chair at the top of stairs

In the context of the Grenfell tower fire disaster 5 years ago, these groups are calling on the Government to implement Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) for Disabled residents who cannot self-evacuate due to reasons such as mobility or cognition.

Disability Rights UK has highlighted that the Government has not implemented any Grenfell inquiry recommendations – despite, 3 years ago, promising to implement all recommendations. They’ve highlighted that Government has recently announced a refusal to implement PEEPs due to ‘excessive costs’ and ‘hindering’ non-disabled people from evacuating.

disability rights uk logo
Grenfell United Logo
clad DAG logo

Disability Rights UK, Clad DAG and Grenfell United are promoting impactful messages on Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans for disabled people and have launched this petition.

Learn more about the Petition